Woke up in a day dawn this morning. I could sense the heat around my body. Yesterday was already feeling unwell but i thought it'll be a minor ones. So yea i've overcome by nausea after sleeping so late everyday and now this cause me having fever and flue now and soon to have sore throat. Look whats the time now ! I'm suppose to turn in now. Why am i still blogging here haha u see dai sei or not. The friends already told me to sleep early,drink plenty of water which i actually did and rest more. geeeeeee i promise i'll sleep after i done with this post.
I notice that there're number of people birthday on January so yea yesterday night there're 2 high school friends having party at the same day. I attended Hui sin & her sis in advance birthday party @ her house. Bump into ucsi friends- jia wen & her bf mou seng and stupid jian hong haha what a coincidence. Pictures will upload instantly after i receive all from 'em. I know i know my blog filled with boredom now, only filled with wordings.
alright the clock gonna strike at 12.00am soon.
gotta sleep in peace. Ahhhhh * sneeze*
Good night's peeps.