Sunday, January 18, 2009


hello people !
Seems like i've been neglecting my blog for quite some time.
i don't keep my updates everyday. Indeed, i'm lazy to blog and post pictures.

so yesterday was one of the night that i got to gather with my childhood pals at my uncle area until midnight.
we had a really good chat though it has been an ages we did not hook up.
Had so much laughs with them. Talking about childhood moments. turkish dinner.salads.fruits.
*exhales* stuff in so much food there.


Just had my brunch with my family at avenueK.

then off to shopping malls.

i rarely snap picture with my eldest bro. Here is one of it.

*chuckles* tralalala
ahhh, i'm happy today.
what i can say is 10 times happier.

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